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Monday, May 24, 2010

Little tidbit

Yes, I'm hard at work on the Nth revision of a story that started out as "What Doesn't Kill You," was changed to "Embedded" and is now "XXX." I know I shouldn't worry about the title at this point, but it's hanging around in the recesses of my mind as unfinished business. Not that I don't recognize that an agent or publisher will change it anyway. sigh.

But back to the little tidbit . . . it's always been my habit (since my Chrysler Corp days) to print off a few pages of what I write in order to recognize those little mistakes that seem to be hidden within the pixels of a computer screen. I also frequently read the pages out loud. A visit to the Guppy blog this morning reminded me of a trick I had forgotten. Don't just print the pages, change the font as well. If you're using 12 point Courier for your work, temporarily change it to 14 point Times New Roman. Or vice versa. You'll be surprised at how different the text looks and what you'll identify.

Okay, that's my tidbit. You all keep on keeping on, and I'll try to do the same.


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