Guest Post

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Power Writing

This summer I'm offering a new creative writing program for teens rising into the 10th - 12th grades. We will meet once a week for six weeks to share ideas on the writing process. Our focus will be the basics of plot, developing characters, and grounding the reader in the setting. My hope is that not only will these young people challenge their imaginations, but learn how to create a logical progression in telling a fictional story. This will be an advantage when they return to school, take the ACT and SAT, and so forth.

I particularly enjoy working with students and their active and creative ideas. We will be reading Tuck Everlasting, a beautifully written book, that, although a little below their reading level, is an excellent book to easily see the craft of writing in one of its best forms.

Along the way, we will write and critique our work and have a lot of fun in the process of discovery.

I hope you will share this opportunity with friends and family. I can be reached through this blog or at


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