Guest Post

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Book Month

October is, among many other things, Book Month. If you made a list of all the books that are banner or have been banned, this would be a good time to read them. Not your style? Not to worry, you have a wide selection of wonderful, inspiring, humorous, scary, educational, and just plain-ole-good books to choose from.

This is the perfect month to take your children, grandchildren,significant other, self to our beautiful and awe-inspiring Mobile libraries. The majesty of Ben May is reason enough for a visit, but just think of all the wonderful characters scrambling to get off the shelf.

Lots going on around the state, so sign up for our auto e-mails to keep abreast of conferences and all the doings in Fairhope and across our literary state.

Find a good book and fall into it.


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