Guest Post

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Friday, December 9, 2011

23 Days and Counting

It seems like every where I look and every day I get asked to write for a blog or website with a list. Lists of best gifts, lists of best mattresses {you read it right}, lists of tips for iPads, mobile phones, and on and on it goes, so here is my seasonal contribution to get you to write your very short 100 word piece for my MAC contest - a countdown of sorts.

23. Find out what MAC stands for.

22. Decide if I have anything I want edited.

21. Admit I don't.

20. Leap on the brilliant idea that popped into my mind.

19. Convince myself it's a winner.

18. Talk myself out of it because it's a silly idea.

17. Revisit the idea which has a lot of potential.

16. Throw a few words on the back of a receipt while I stand in line at the post office.

15. Get out of bed with insomnia.

14. Dig through pocket or purse for the receipt with the brilliant ideas scribble on the back.

13. Fix hot tea and mull it over.

12. Explain to the dog why I'm up at 2am talking to myself.

11. Grab a crayon {all I can find at 2am and scribble some more notes.

10. Go back to bed with the idea safely tucked in my head.

9. Type up a draft while I wait for my boss to show up at work.

8. Smugly run a copy. Take it with me to midnight church & pray over it.

7. Take a break from all the stress and enjoy Christmas Day.

6. Fold it into a one inch square and hide it in my pocket.

5. Edit {basically rewrite}it at home.

4. Edit and proof carefully.

3. Procrastinate like crazy.

2. Convinced you are the winner, you don't have anything to be edited which is the prize {it's transferable.}

1. Upload my Dear Santa piece to Mahala while I celebrate the New Year!

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