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Saturday, January 5, 2013


It's getting closer. Crimson Romance sent me a mock-up (can't share yet) of a proposed cover yesterday. It is sooooo exciting to see my name at the bottom of that book cover, and I can hardly wait to share it with you.

I did a line edit of the "uncorrected pdf" they sent, and boy, did I find errata and broken threads. Now I'm really anxious about getting into the galley. Gosh, I hope it's not too late to make all the corrections that need to be done.

Thursday, I decided to sloooowwwwly print out the whole pdf and then go through it with a red pen. What I discovered is that I didn't see all the glitches when I did my line edit from the computer screen. Kind of looks like it's bleeding now.

Next time (hopefully, there'll be one), I'll print off the "edits" document I get from the publisher before I send it back. I read that thing several times on the computer screen and didn't catch everything. Word's Tracking Changes function makes for visual confusion. Sigh.

Let that be a lesson to me!

I'll show you an excerpt next week. Right now, there's a feral yellow cat with his nose pressed against the back door waiting for me to put out some food. He has started to let me pet him a bit, but I have the scratches to prove he accepts touching for only a moment or two.

You'all guys keep on keeping on, and I'll try to do the same.


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