cj Sez: It used to be that I worked better when I had a
short-term deadline. That said, I thought if I gave myself a deadline, I’d have
the incentive to keep going on the WIPs I have on my computer. Found out that’s
not true.
I have managed to bury those deadlines under weeks of
procrastination that I called “research.” It seems that the more I research,
the less creativity I have. I’m getting bogged down in discovering fascinating facts,
and the stories are suffering. I suspect I’ll be scrambling in the last few
days to get finished.
I suppose some of you might call that procrastinating. Nope,
I’m calling it delayed discipline.
How about you? How do you kick research to the curb and stay
on track?
Speaking of research, I try to make it my job to learn
something new every day. Today I came across the word "bildungsroman"
while I was spiraling down a research rabbit hole looking for more information
on coming of age stories. In literary criticism, a Bildungsroman is a
literary genre
"Bildungsroman is the combination of two German words: Bildung, meaning
'education,' and Roman, meaning 'novel.'
Fittingly, a 'bildungsroman' is a novel that deals with the formative
years of the main character - in particular, his or her psychological
development and moral education. The bildungsroman usually ends on a positive
note with the hero's foolish mistakes and painful disappointments over and a life
of usefulness ahead.
"The term coming-of-age novel is sometimes used
interchangeably with Bildungsroman, but its use is usually wider and less
I’ve seen the word before but never committed its meaning to
memory until now.

In 1853 Texas, thirteen-year-old Nigel Blackthorn is the
spoiled son of a Protestant preacher. When his missionary family fall victims
to a Comanche attack, his easy childhood crumbles in an instant. How will he
find the grit to survive?
You-all guys keep on keeping on, and I’ll try to do the
Free on Kindle Unlimited at the time of this post: DEADLY STAR \
A fast-paced read: Mirabel Campbell must learn how to stay
alive in a covert world of political intrigue where the unexpected is the norm,
and she’s not the kind of woman who’ll wait for anyone else to make her
decisions. She made a promise to a dying friend to find out what’s so special
about that tiny point of light in the sky, and she intends to keep that
Little note: Print copies of Choosing Carter and Deadly Star
are becoming scarce as Simon&Schuster winds down their support of the
Crimson Romance imprint. HOWEVER, you can support an indie book store and order
an autographed copy of my books here: The Haunted Bookshop Angela Trigg, the awesome owner and a RITA
Award-winning author in her own right (writing as Angela Quarles) will be happy
to ship you the book(s) of your choice.
Drop me a note to sign up for my quarterly newsletter: cjpetterson@gmail.com
Author Page = https://bit.ly/2uo1M0Z
Bildungsroman. I'm not sure if I'll manage to commit that one to memory but I will tuck it away in my research file. Thanks.