If you’ve ever
watched The Writers’ Room on the
Sundance channel, you understand the concept of team writing for television. http://www.sundance.tv/series/the-writers-room. Basically, they get
a group of writers in a room and hash out the details for episodes of
serialized television shows. If you have participated in a critique group, and
I sincerely hope you have, you know what an overwhelming challenge and an empowering
exercise this can be.
stories is not a new idea. From bedtime stories to entice a child to go to
sleep for the next installment the falling day to soap operas on the radio to
the brilliant Scheherazade who used serialized stories to save her life in One Thousand and One Nights, cliffhangers
have been the bread and butter favorites in all writing mediums. I include movies in that in terms of sequels with the same actors. However, creating serial books in a
team effort and based on a television script model may be a first. But there is plenty
of history to prove that readers in the past have enjoyed serials. In this
digital age of hurry up and “git ˊer done”, I give this new venture a maybe in terms of attracting readers.
As with most
things, money is behind the initiation of any type of serialization. When a newspaper owner
in Paris in 1836 needed to increase the sale of daily newspapers, he envisioned portions of novels published every day as a marketing gimmick. And the name of the first
recorded serial novelist is - Drum Roll Please! - Honoré de Balzac. I am not familiar with his work, but he worked
on his serial novel, LaComédie humaine from
1829 until he died in 1850. Now that’s good work if you can get it. By the way,
he wrote over ninety novels and short stories during his career.
Which came
first, I’m not sure, but during the same year that the Paris serial began, the
young Charles Dickens published The
Pickwick Papers in England, which was a series of engravings with
accompanying text. Four installments later, and British readers were sold on
the idea and the sale of London's newspapers soared. Publishers of magazines and newspapers
hurried to hire writers to adapt their work into serializations. Of
course, serialized stories in newspapers have been known to portend riots.
The mania quickly crossed the pond, and Dickens’
fanatics rioted at New York harbor in 1841 anxious for the Brit's newspapers to arrive via ocean and tell them what happened to the
sweet Orphan Nell. The following year, a
riot in Paris erupted because readers, who were too poor to buy the paper, were
worried about the outcome of a cliffhanger in The Mysteries of Paris (Eugene Sue).
While we are
still debating whether self-publishing undermines our profession as writers, look
at a few impressive classics that were published as serials: The Brother’s Karamazov (Dostoevsky), Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain), Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), and Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe). I imagine
much of the work published in the 19th Century were the forerunners of the
funny papers.

Serial Box is onto something. As my business co-blogger, c j, teaches, studying screenplays is a sold
foundation for learning to write scenes in novels, so I give the new venture an A for effort. Serialized
television has proven that readers are willing to wait months between seasons
to see what happens next, which I have to say still annoys me. I like
the old way where we had a full season, then the shows took a summer hiatus,
but I digress. The Serial Box books/shows (we need an amalgamation - maybe Bows
or Shooks) will run 13 - 16 weeks, so that is better than the 6-week stints
most serialized television shows currently run.
As for
genres, the Publisher’s Weekly article
says Serial Box opened September 16 with Book Burners, an ironic title if I ever heard one. It’s a paranormal crime story, which
packs under one umbrella two best selling genres of books, shows, and movies.
And, of course, the next offering does the same thing. This is all about money
and marketing, not literature. I do hasten to add that literature from such notables as Dickens, Agatha Christie, Jane Eyre, Shakespeare, and Arthur Conan Doyle have
kept PBS and commercial movies in business for quite some time. Anyway, the
next Serial Box offering will be a swashbuckling romance/adventure, Tremontaine, which should suit the bodice tearing faction. Am I
being a bit facetious? Of course, I am. I still like to hold a “real” book in
my hands.
If none
of this rattles your chain, you might like to know that a former, global
digital director at Penguin Random House is one of Serial Box’s co-founders,
Molly Barton. She makes a good argument. “Why not create original books like a
TV series?”
Hum, do I
detect the middleman being cut out here? As in, the author of "true" books?
And if you
still don’t believe truth is stranger than fiction. Barton’s co-founder is
Julian Yap. His credentials? He’s a former, senior counsel in the Justice
Department, who formulated the business idea after he realized he wasn’t
reading novels because he didn’t have time. Barton is
quoted in the PW article saying that he was drawn to more TV and comics because,
“there’s no time barrier; you can tune in and tune out. They’re accessible.”
George Carlin would have had a ball with that statement! Other than meeting my deadline to return a book to the library, I've had any trouble with my hard copy or digital books fighting off time barriers.

I’m working on the assumption
that this means they will, instead, sew together chopped up pieces of a story to create a whole rather
than the alternative.
As I
understand it at this time, Serial Box will pay advances and royalties to the
team of authors based on the number of readers a series attracts. Sounds like a "real" book. The company
works with agents for proposals and accepts pitches from an author. Sounds like a "real" book.
They begin
by bouncing the proposals and pitches around with television writers, but they
bring in novelists to write the serials. I’m not sure if the original author
who pitched the idea is included on the team or in the royalties. Sounds somewhat like a "real" book being turned into a screenplay.
Being a
purist, I like to believe that books are written with a final destination to
share and teach information to the reader. I know that isn’t true, else why
would bodice rippers, vampire suckers, zombie walkers, and psychotic murderers
exist in books and on the screen?
Like any other television trend, Serial Box at present is another enigma. I hope they
are prepared for the long, long, long lines of agents and writers who will be
scrambling to get in to see them. It’s slim pickings out there for most of us.
What say ye? Bows or Shooks?
Write like you mean it!
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