Ever ask yourself why writers
(many famous and well published) speak at workshops or conferences or teach?
Maybe because they need press. Maybe because they enjoy it. Maybe, and most
likely, they do it to bolster their income. As I mentioned last week, well
known, well-published, well-honored writers have to work a day job to supplement their book writing. With the exception of a few notables, i.e. James
Patterson, most authors only produce a book every few years - at least a book
worth reading. With contract fees for books at an all time low, writers must turn themselves into a lean, mean writing and speaking machines to “bring
home the bacon and fry it up in the pan.”
To some degree, the changes in
the publishing industry, coupled with the cost of living and the challenge to find any job these days, has brought a wealth of new ideas, new approaches
to writing, new reading resources and gizmos, and thousands of new freelance
jobs for writers. When downsizing, business often start with the writing staff - publicity, marketing, education, training - in the erroneous belief that “anybody can write.” The work is parceled out to
unsuspecting and too often inarticulate managers.
After almost ten years of this
mediocrity and lost revenue, companies have found solid gold. Freelancers don’t
require overhead expenses such as an offices and equipment, supplies
and insurance, or retirement plans. When this happened, freelance writing requests exploded all over the
Internet. If you don’t believe me, type in freelance writers and watch your
computer struggle to load the enormous lists. Unfortunately, these same companies, still believing "anybody can write" wanted to pay low rates.
I began working as a freelancer through individual clients, a word-of-mouth type of arrangement. Then I started bidding on jobs through several
online freelance companies about ten years ago. Competition was (and still is) high and
international. After a few jobs that paid me $1.50 for five 500-word articles
for websites, and they wanted ten a day, this dummy woke up. But, I hung in there until I
learned how to do research and regurgitate words on the page at an all time
high. They weren't looking for quality, they wanted words and keywords that breezed through Copyscape. I built up some credits and that led me to higher paying jobs from the
same online source.
It didn’t take me long to
realize which companies I didn’t want to work with, but I have to admit that
education was painful in all sorts of ways. Some of those companies no longer
exist. Nuff said.
And that brings me to today’s
lesson. Just as hair styles have changed since the dawn of time, so has the role of a freelance writer. Things have changed DRAMATICALLY in the past three years. It is much easier to find intellectual stimulation and better fees with
an influx of professional people and companies vying for our skills and time.
The number
of rip-off companies were complained about so frequently, most have been eradicated. I still see companies and individuals seeking to “make
a deal” as though hiring a good writer was some type of e-bay activity.
I, too, have changed. I find myself talking to the computer when someone wins the bid; someone who is willing to do the work for 90% less
than my I am. I wish the writer well and hope they build their credits quickly.
I also wish the client well, because they make what was clearly a cost per hour
decision that had nothing to do with logic. We all have to learn from our
While online proposals for jobs account for only about 5% of my income, the bidding process is fun and
challenges me to sell myself and my work, a trying job for anyone who prefers
to hide at the computer or in a book. That process does me more good than
anything else I’ve done when it comes to building my business, and I've met some wonderful writers and clients. Oh, the ugly looks I got from other writers when I
launched my first marketing campaign. You would have thought I had single-handily
pillaged and destroyed the crops for half of the United States.
Here are a few things I learned
along the way to become this unusual critter - authorpreneurship.
1. I do not work below a certain rate. Period. I
have stuck to that, which has also been painful at times, but I learned there are more than enough people who understand the value of good writing
and appreciate the value of editing to sell their products that I will not prostitute myself for the work.
2. The difference between assets and liabilities
(try not to laugh), and debits and credits (not the Visa or MasterCard kind),
negotiation and browbeating, value given and value earned (not ego and id),
harassment and feedback, and best of all friends and acquaintances.
3. The value of contracts and agreements.
4. The necessity of requiring some payment up
front or continue to be cheated by “reputable companies and authors.”
5. Prepare for the leaner times when you are
6. I do not work for publications that do not
pay. (I have Hope Clarke to thank for harping on this on www.fundsforwriters.com.) Period.
7. If I want to finish and sell a book, the time
has to be scheduled, and if it invades my reading time, I have the power to
8. Networking is an absolute necessity to
survive as an entrepreneur and as a writer. Deal with it.
9. Prizes such as the Agatha, Pulitzer,
Newberry, PEN/Faulkner, Pushcart, Gold Dagger Award, etc. are next to
impossible for most writers to win. I will be happy with great reviews on
GoodReads and Amazon.
10. There is a secret to the New York Times bestseller list. It is called advance copy distribution. The NYT
list is based on the speed at which a book sells in its first week on
the shelf. Pre-orders count towards the first week’s sales rate. No wonder ARCs
are all over websites such as GoodReads and the authors are happy to give them
away and publicize their upcoming books on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Careful placement of a book in a category or selling an e-book for 99
cents can skyrocket a book
to the top of the list, and then the author has bragging rights and sells more books.
If you are interested in being a freelancer
and/or an authorpreneur, jump on in. The water’s choppy but what an adventure
you will have!