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Saturday, August 10, 2013

And the Alien Is

Here's two final funny takes on their new alien history teacher from Barefoot Writing Academy's creative teens.

She has a voice like a raven and a stench like a skunk, and an organized desk that's floating in gunk.

I shake her hand - it's sticky like sugar - and I realized her face is the shade of a booger.

That's all fine, but the drawback is there's slime all over my Constitution quiz.
                                                                                 by Claire Powers

My first day of school and there's an issue.
My new history teacher needs a tissue.

Her face is green with slime all over
I really hope she doesn't think I'm just a pushover.

And I heard her name's Pam.

When I bumped her arm
I let out a gasp of alarm.
It felt like mine
But her eyes were as big as a sign.

She frightened me so much that my mouth was dry
I tasted salt and smelled turkey on rye.

To remove it, I was just about to ask,
Then I realized, oh..wait... It's not a mask.
                                                           by Brenna Meehan

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