Editors and writers are often asked about our favorite
resources. It is a subject that always comes up in my writing classes, so I
thought I would share a few of mine and why I find them useful.
The Emotion Thesaurus (Angela
Ackerman and Becca Puglisi) 75 emotions succinctly describe what a character is
feeling. One of my new favorites.
Writing the Breakout
Novel (Donald Maass) Inspiring, practical, information
from the respected author of seventeen novels, an extremely successful literary
20 Master Plots: And
How to Build Them (Ron Tobias) Indepth look at plotting with checklists
How I Write: Secrets
of a Bestselling Author (Janet Evanovich) Fun, easy to understand basics to
from bestselling author on how to create a book.
Editor-Proof Your
Writing (Don McNair) 21 steps to clear prose that work! Query & other
good information.
Creating Fiction (Julie
Checkoway) Easy to understand info:
elements of fiction
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“The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your
sources.” Einstein
Becoming A Writer (Dorothea
Brande) My favorite book on writing—the who, why, what, how, and when to
write. I get inspired and learn
something new every time I read it.
On Writing (Stephen
King) Memoir and guide to writing filled with inspiration and practical advice.
Stein on Writing (Sol
Stein) Master editor of successful writers spills the secrets of writing
Writing Fiction (Janet
Burroway) Touchstone for literary writers. Used in MFA programs.
Warning! Don’t
read them all at once! Take your time and absorb the information and keep them handy for easy reference.
Write like you mean it ~ Mahala
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