Guest Post

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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Those three dots . . .

  Do you know the difference between ellipsis and ellipses? From Fiction University comes this post on "How to Use an Ellipsis in Writing (Without Overusing It.)" 

  “Sometimes informally referred to as “those three dots,” Merriam-Webster officially defines ellipses as “marks or a mark (such as … ) indicating an omission (as of words) or a pause.”

  In Latin and Greek, “ellipsis” means to fall short or leave out—an omission. At its core, that’s exactly how it’s used in grammar, to indicate words have been omitted or left out.”

  Read the entire post here:    How to Use Ellipsis


Passing along more information

  The following two links will take you to some good stuff. I found the info in these posts on Jane Friedman’s blog very helpful and interesting. 

  I think the first one is especially important for new authors navigating the shark-filled waters of the publishing industry.


On the personal front

  I recently read the gothic novel, “The Secret Garden” by Frances Hodgson Burnett as part of a Facebook gothic group seasonal read and discussion. I got a bit confused by the structure of the story, but I am ready to participate in a Facebook discussion on the novel.

   I made it to the finish line for one of my short story deadlines (haven’t heard yet if it was accepted. Fingers crossed) and gave up on another. 

  I was way too distracted by real life to get my mind around a fictional life, which means my work-in-progress is on the back burner again.

  Okay, that’s it for today. You-all guys keep on keeping on, and I’ll try to do the same. Raising prayers for a happy and safe you and yours.


Now some words from my sponsors:

  Beach? Mountains? StayCay? It’s time to plan for those holiday and summer vacation downtime moments when you can lose yourself in a book. My novels, THE DAWGSTAR and DEATH ON THE YAMPA are fast-paced, thriller/suspense stories with sassy banter and a touch of Jane Bond romance. 

  The books are available on Amazon or through your favorite eTailer and bookstore. Got a library card? You can read the ebooks free from Hoopla.

  Nota bene: Angela Trigg, the RITA Award-winning author and owner of The Haunted Book Shop has a few signed copies of my paperback books in stock. TO ORDER, contact: 

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