Guest Post

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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy . . safe . . . prosperous

Those are the things I wish for your New Year. I hope your holidaze have been happy and that 2012 will be all that you want it to be.

My New Year's resolutions are these: 1) Remember to blog at least every second or third day instead of every second or third month. 2) Lose those persistent 15 extra pounds as in doing whatever is necessary to re-set my set point. 3) Write some word or two EVERY DAY. 4) Delete the mahjong games from my Bookmarks list. 5) Read at least three on-line newspapers every day. 5) Don't light up one cigarette.

Okay, so the last one is a given because I don't smoke, but I thought I needed at least one resolution I was sure to keep.

Looking at the list, I see I need to be back here on January 2 or 3. Wanna bet?

Like Mahala, I am a friend of Nolan White, and his Christmas gift this year was a miserable one. Along with the bank's donation account, I believe the Baldwin Writers Group is also going to hold a benefit writing contest with proceeds earmarked for him. Watch for more info.

You all guys keep on keeping on, and I'll try to do the same.


P.S. I'm getting my writing jones on by re-reading "Jane Eyre" and discovering that I actually like its Victorian voice.

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